Respect your dinner, move your feet, get to hoofin it
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Direct Marketing: Farmers let you shop for food from the source...
Launched by Colorado College graduate and Springs native Katie (Rosing) Miller, Heritage Belle has transitioned from last year's veggie CSA to a unique-to-the-area turkey CSA, called the Gobbler Program. MIller will oversee a flock of all-natural, pasture-raised birds to provide locally grown turkeys to Front Range Thanksgiving spreads.
Grub gone wild: Break free from the checkout line and let a local farmer feed you this
Launched by 24-year-old Colorado College graduate and Springs native Katie (Rosing) Miller, Heritage Belle will offer its first CSA in 2009. Its model is unique; Miller grazes her livestock and grows her produce on other farmers' land (with permission, of course). Heritage Belle is one of the farms offering meat, egg and flower shares in addition to vegetable and herb shares.